Each of us has a net. We all use it catching things that are of God. Our net consists of our faith, our obedience, our dedication, commitment, our love for God. You see, miracles, healings and deliverances are caught, they’re not taught. A lot of the church today goes off of a certain style of teaching, not backed by biblical principles, theology or religion to try to teach people that you can catch or obtain anything from God. That might be true, but if it’s not backed up by this, it’s not going to happen.
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Let Down Your Net – Luke 5:1-9
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Amen, well praise the Lord isn’t our God great. Praise the Lord. So, my name is Daniel, Daniel Fagan. Some of you know my mom. She has taught in here couple of times and I am 23 years old. I got saved at the age of 7, baptized in the Holy Ghost when I was 11.
Back in the old church, I was raised in old time, and when we would have prayer meetings we would go around the church. We called it the Jericho march, and when we went around, we would lay hands on the pew, praying for the people who might be sitting in pew that that night or the next night. We would also pray for the people in the choir, the musicians.
And then it was my turn to come up to the pulpit, and I didn’t know what I was when I was 11 years old, and I put my hand on the pulpit. I didn’t even know what happened, but instantly I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, in the pulpit. That’s makes volumes because little did I know of where I would be today.
But me and my family moved to Virginia almost four years ago, Virginia, Kentucky four years ago from Virginia, and it was Tommy Bates and this church that brought us here. If you think you can find a church that preaches the Word and has the Spirit of God moving in it, it’s hard, it’s a hard find, and that’s what brought us up here was this church, and we are thankful to be here. It’s been a lot of good times and bad times, but in the end, God’s in control.
So, if you will, please stand with me, I’m go ahead and get started and turn to Luke Chapter 5. Luke Chapter 5, starting with verse one. One through 9, and if you have it say, “Amen.” And it came to pass that as the people pressed upon Him, Jesus, to hear the Word of God, He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret and saw two ships standing by the lake, but the fishermen were gone out of them and washing their Nets.
I’m pause right there for a second. Thank you, brother Terry, for having me. I forgot all about that. And I can’t forget about that.
Start with verse three. And He entered into one of the ships, which was Peter’s, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land, and He sat down and taught the people out of the ship. Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Peter, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch,” and Peter, answering said unto Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and have taken nothing. Nevertheless, at Thy Word I will let down the net.”
And when they had done this, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net break, and they beckoned them to their partners, which were in the other ship that they should come and help them. And they came and filled both of those ships, and they began to sink.
When Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord,” for he was astonished at all they were at all that were with Him, at the catch of the fishes, which they had taken.
For a few moments tonight, I’m going to deal with the subject, subject. Let down your net. Grandma is some some people don’t know this, but I my grandparents died at that when I was young or either before I was born. So, when I met Shelby and Steve, you can be seated. When I met Shelby and Steve, they instantly became my grandparents. They’re my adopted grandparents and grandma, if you will, please come up and pray over the service tonight.
And I just want to say this, it is very important to keep the saints important within the church. There is there’s a division going on today between the young and the old, not. Just one chart, it is everywhere. And that’s not biblical. You’re meant to stand together and to learn young from the older. And I love my grandma.
Thank you, Daniel. I appreciate you and appreciate your love. I just want to say one thing. I know this boy. I know the life that he lives, and it encourages me to live better because he believes in, he’s, a he’s an old soul and the young body, he believes the old time way. And let me tell you something, if you don’t know any about the thing about the old-time way, it’s the best way. And it is the only way, God hasn’t changed. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever.
And I’m not going to preach in your place. I’m sorry. I won’t do that. But I can’t help but talk about the son of God and what he’s done in our lives. I looked out there and I see Julie smile. I remember praying with her when she thought she had the Holy Ghost and she didn’t have the Holy Ghost and she came through with the real deal. But let me tell you something. God’s real and everything about him is real. There’s no fake stuff he doesn’t prophecy. Lies, but he’s all truth and everything about him. Brother Terry is truth.
Heavenly Father, I come before You tonight. I thank you, Lord, that You are who You say You are. Hallelujah that you are the only God. There is no God beside You. And Father, that it was You, Lord, that came Lord with the answer to the sin of Adam.
God, you sent a Second Adam, God that took on the flesh of man and laid down His life. No one took it from Him. He laid His life down on Calvary and tonight, God, as Daniel preaches, I’m asking God for an anointing of the Holy Ghost God, that Your will might be done, that the Word of God will be go forth God in demonstration and in power because, Lord, it is the way You work and I thank you tonight, God, because you can do anything.
And God, Your children too God. When we think, Lord, there’s nothing. God, You have it all. God, there’s never a zero God to Your answers, You said, “Ask and I’ll do it. If you ask in the name of Jesus, I God,” I know that we live beneath our privilege and that God as we come before You, God, sanctify Your church, sanctify Your people and God, draw us closer to you night.
As we hear the Word of God preached God, use Daniel, anoint him God. Above all, God anoint him God, and use him for Your glory, for Your honor and God, let people be blessed and let there be fruit God because of the Word of God that is in him.
Well, praise the Lord. So, in your Christian walk with the Lord, you got to be able to stand for yourself, not depending on the faith of others. And there’s a lot of that going on in today’s church, whether that be faith from your mom, your dad, your sister, brother, friend, or even your pastor.
There’s going to come a day that you’ve got to get a hold of God for yourself, stand flat footed and fight the enemy for yourself. You can’t always go on the prayers of others. You must learn to grow in the Lord. Growing in the Lord comes by reading His Word, fasting, and for me that is very hard.
If you know me, I love to eat. And prayer everyone starts as a babe, but you’re not meant to stay a baby. Sadly to say, but we probably have more high chairs than rocking chairs in most churches church houses today.
Just as life starts here on earth, you’re you’re born, you grow and you die. But when it comes to, spiritually speaking is you’re born as you’re born again, you grow in Christ, but you never die.
Spiritually speaking, each of us has a net we all use it catching things that are of God, but also that are not of God. A spiritual catch requires a certain kind of net. Our net consists of our faith, our obedience, our dedication, commitment, our love for God, our love for His statutes and commandments, and all necessary biblical attributes to the Christian living are formed together to form your net.
Those not of God and not born again also have attributes to consist of their net. That can be a variety of things. Without these attributes that a born again believer has, you cannot go, you cannot catch what you need in the spiritual waters of the Spirit.
You see, miracles, healings and deliverances are caught, they’re not taught. A lot of the church today goes off of a certain style of teaching, not backed by biblical principles, theology or religion to try to teach people that you can catch or obtain anything from God. That might be true, but if it’s not backed up by this, it’s not going to happen.
They do all of this twisting the Word of God as they see fit. They’ll also say that there’s more than one way to Heaven, but there is no other way than the greatest catch of all, and that salvation and what He did on Calvary’s cross.
Everything that we will ever catch comes through the spiritual waters of the Spirit, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and by spiritually forming your own net, as I just mentioned beforehand of what our net consists of, and we’ll get to two of those attributes here in a little bit.
So, four things stuck out to me in these passages of Luke five one through 9. And #1, they washed their nets. When you go fishing with a net, you want to take care of the net you use. Sometimes you may catch the debris, sticks, trash, and, obviously, that’s something you do not want.
Have you ever gotten excited thinking you caught something, but you only caught the stick, trash, seaweed, and it wasn’t, it wasn’t what you were after? You’re after a fish. Spiritually, sometimes we catch something, and we depend on it, and sometimes that’s something from the very beginning, wasn’t even ordained, or in the will of God, for your in your life in the first place, meaning we put our catch in faith in a doctor’s office, a pill, a lawyer, counseling, or even someone who you have great trust and faith invested into.
But let me tell you that man will fail you. Sometimes we’re so anxious because we need or want a catch right now that we rush to find an answer, but if your faith is in God, you have everything that you will ever need.
It takes effort and it and humility to clean your net. The washing of the net can also represent a purification and cleansing process. I believe that a lot of the church needs to clean their nets.
God desires to move mightily with the Spirit of revival, but revival won’t come if our nets are not clean. Don’t expect any kind of catch or answer from God when you have a broken-down net. You can’t catch anything with it.
Don’t let your net have holes, tears, and unwanted junk that hinders your answers and relationship with God. Wash, maintain your net and keep making your net stronger by getting stronger in your attributes that consist the making of your net.
So that brings us to point #2, they toiled all night. The disciples toiled all night to get a catch, but caught nothing. Toil means to labor, exert and struggle after something. There are times where we toil over a need or something in our lives whether it be over a lost loved one, healing and body deliverance, whatever it might be.
Your net might even be clean, living a good biblical life spiritually, and you just can’t seem to catch what you’re letting your net down for, but, you see, patience is the greatest lesson while you toil.
The Bible says be still and know that I am God and they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Waiting is hard. One of the hardest lessons is patience. I, when I go to a restaurant and I stand in line for something, I want my food now. I want it now, and I can, spiritually, when we have a need or something, we want it now.
But you know, one thing I will guarantee, and I say this a lot, God is in time on time every time. You may toil, toil and toil, fasting and praying, but He will never just leave your net empty.
Life is like a sea; it can be calm. Rough storms can batter your ship, and sometimes it can seem like you’re sinking, but what you had need of is in the water of the Spirit, and with Jesus in your boat, you cannot and will not go under. You cannot.
So, to obtain a catch, obedience and faith are must. So that brings us to point #3, by obedience and faith they launched their nets.
Jesus told them to launch their nets on the right side of the ship, and they obeyed the direction of Jesus, and, by faith, they knew something was about to change and something was about to happen.
So why the right side? I believe it’s a symbol of there is only One truth, One life, One way, that way is God’s way of direction. You can’t go wrong or get off track when you followed the ways and truth of Jesus, and what He has to say to His people. Instead, and here I go again, instead, a lot of the church goes to their own directory and what we feel is most convenient.
More and more, we stray away from the old path, biblical truth and sound doctrine, but He is saying return to the old path, and to hold fast to His Word.
Today we’re trying to develop something new for popularity, social gain, large offerings and larger crowds. Entertainment for worship. Motivational speaking for preaching. And, sadly, you seem more fake and fraud than the real deal, and that’s discouraging because my generation needs to see the real deal.
The list goes on and on, but what worked in yesteryear will still work today. God has not changed. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. The Lord doesn’t anoint everything that has, that has His name slapped on; a good voice, a good musician and a good sermon.
It’s just another song, sound, beat and preaching series without the, the anointing of the Holy Ghost. That’s what makes the difference, and that’s the anointing. Without the Holy Spirit, we would just wander and be full of emotions and talk. Everything comes by and through the Holy Spirit.
There’s a lot going on in the world and even in the Church house today. In this world, the devil is on the loose, probably like never before, devouring whomever he can. The pressures of life in the last days is felt by everyone today, from sicknesses to famines, disasters and death, nations at each other’s throats, inflation and financial crisis, hatred between people, and hatred is on the rise like never before, right is wrong and wrong is right, everywhere you seem to look. Record highs in the nations of suicide, mental illnesses, drug abuse and overdose, and sex trafficking seemed to be gripping the nation. Where is the church?
This world is on the road for the Antichrist to soon arise. The United Nations, I gotta, I put this in here last minute, the United Nations will be holding a meeting in September of 2024, calling it the Summit of The Future. You see, the United Nations has consisted of 193 nations already, and will be a huge contributor for the world stage, set for the Antichrist because it will be a global government.
Policies being proposed for this meeting are called information integrity on digital platforms. This will make censorship for anything labeled false or hate speech by a global organization. They don’t know what this organization will be.
Also, another one that would be proposed is the Apex Body. This so-called body will be in charge of the entire financial system while also trying to make all societies cashless, paving the way for the mark of the beast.
Donna Harris sent me a video. It was a kids cartoon. I, I don’t know what kids cartoon it was, but the characters were going and buying and selling, but in their hand and in their forehead was a chip. And they’re already putting into kids minds that this is OK. And for people to be like oh this is cool. But you, biblically, biblically, it’s something different, my Lord.
Meanwhile, in the church, love for one another is cold, forgiveness is rare and fraudulent deceivers are abundant. I’m, as she said, as Grandma said, I’m old school. Here we go, drag queens, cussing, drinking in pulpits across America here and there. It’s all across this nation. It looks like discouragement and darkness everywhere, but God has never forsaken a child that is His. Even today, He’s telling us to let down your net for a catch. He is our source of supply of all supply to make it through. He won’t leave you high and dry.
Back to the point of obedience and faith, both of these attributes allowed Peter and the men with him to obtain this catch. I’ll read a couple of scriptures on obedience. 1 Kings 2:3 and keep the charge of the Lord your God to walk in His ways to keep His statutes and His commandments and His judgments and His testimonies.
And it is written in the law of Moses that you may prosper in all that you do and with whithersoever you turnest thyself, meaning, obey the commandments of Him, and you will prosper and be blessed.
1st Corinthians 15:58, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labor, keyword there, is not in vain in the Lord.
Now go into scriptures of Faith, Hebrews 11:6, but without faith it is impossible to please Him. For he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
2 Corinthians 5:7, for we walk by faith, not by sight.
Hebrews 11:1, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Mark 11:24, therefore I say unto you what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe, have faith that you receive them and you will have them.
That’s His word, so if you obey His word and have faith, never doubt, you can count on your God to work it all out. You see, they obeyed, they did what Jesus commanded them to do. You never know after so much toiling, when you might just get your answer.
Remember, patience is key, so I encourage you to stay the course and keep letting down your net into the water. Sometimes you gotta go a little bit deeper. This could be your day. This could be your hour for your answer and for your catch. So don’t give up. It’s no time to be discouraged because you never know when that catch will go right into your net.
Your God specializes in things thought impossible, for He is the God of the impossible. Your God is the God of the impossible. That’s your God. We sit around discouraged and we forget so easily. Forget of who God is. The God of the impossible, and He’s my God. He is faithful. He can be counted on, and He can be depended on.
Well, praise the Lord. So going to #4, it was a catch they couldn’t contain after they obeyed, had faith and let down their nets. In verse six they caught a great multitude of fishes and their net broke. They had to get other nearby ships to help with the catch that was available to them, and those ships were also filled and began to sink.
You see, it’s a symbol here of a double portion. A couple examples of double portion one is when Elisha wanted to operate in the same power as Elijah, and want it to be doubly blessed. 2 Kings confirmed that he had a double portion of power and blessing.
Another one is the story of Job. Job lost everything, everything, and just imagine losing everything and on top of that, your spouse is telling you to curse God and die. Can you imagine? But he knew who his God was, he knew. It’s about time we go back to knowing who God is. He got back twice as much as he originally had possessed, twice as much.
The Lord giveth, and He does take away, but He is faithful, and He’ll pour you out a blessing that you cannot contain, and you won’t even have room to receive. Well, glory to God. God takes care of His children. He takes care of you. God’s already proven to you that you’re the God, that He is the God of the impossible. You’re looking at example right there of a God that is a God of the impossible.
Well, praise the Lord. It’s about time to get our faith up in this house. You will come out of the trial stronger. You will come out of the valley stronger. You come out of the storm stronger. So, hold on, because your darkest hour is just before dawn. God won’t leave you, and He’ll take care of you each step of the way.
I don’t know who is playing the music tonight, but if you don’t mind, come back and prepare a song. So, in closing, I’m going to leave plenty of time for this altar service.
Don’t let your catch slip from you. He will give you what you need and lacking absolutely nothing. He will give you so much more. Sometimes our catch is strength. Sometimes our catch is peace. So, we can go through the storm and through the trial. If we never had a problem, we’d never know that God could even solve them. We wouldn’t know of His faithfulness, His might, His power and His love.
If we never had a trial, we would get weaker all the time. We wouldn’t care to have a relationship with God. But you just keep launching your net out and God will give you just what you need to make it through. Whether you want to let down your net for salvation, a loved one, a loved one’s healing, deliverance, peace of mind, financial needs or simply just a blessing.
Sometimes we need a blessing. There’s something waiting for you that you cannot contain. So, keep toiling if you are in a toiling season. Keep going and He is more than able to do what you ask and have need of, it’s available and it’s even available here now.
With Jesus in the room, everything has to change, and anything can change. With Jesus in your boat, you will not go catchless. I said, with Jesus in your boat, you cannot go catchless. You will not. So let down your net. He is a faithful God and remember, He is your God. So, who is saying tonight I’m getting my catch tonight?